I've been put in a few miles walking with Dave and liz, also a couple of mates from work Mike, Kevin & his dog kate, which took part one Friday afternoon after work in Monmoth - Wales. Cheers Guys

But this week saw me driving 2 hours up north to Denby Dale to meet an old friend 'Joel' who moved 'Up North' a year and a half ago. His House who he shares with his girlfriend Helen is about half way between Sheffield & Leeds, but very close to the famous Peak District (lucky boy).
We parked the car in brilliant autumn sunshine and got booted up.
I have actually treated myself with a new pair of boots, as the old ones were rubbing so much in the end
They were to prove a good buy as I 'yet again' twisted my ankle, thankfully, there was no damage. This Time!

As Joel and I struck out through the lush pine wood it would be fair to say that the air was pretty chilly and the wind was the strongest of the Autumn so far.
We chatted about of old times and and stuff for apple Mac's , Joel is a true expert in this field so I was sure to pic up a tip or two.

As we gently ascended out of the wood we were to be greeted by yet more strong winds, but with the added bonus of the hill that we were to climb, Sunny, clear and full of promise we proceeded to march to the summit. This was when the wind would come into it's own, ringing through our ears and trying to take the spit from of our mouths as we battled on onwards and upwards.

The ice from puddles crunched under foot as we carried on the ascent, the wind became so strong that merely breathing became a thought you had to do.
That was not to say it was not fun, floating in the air like a free fall parachutist, gazing from what seems like the top of the world at the wonderful view below had it's own rewards.
We also came across a few fell runners, one even had shorts on (what A Nutter!) we gave them a friendly wave though.

Eventually we did get to the top and we were rewarded in not only panoramic views but also with chocolate bars Yum! they were very welcome indeed.

After battling so much to get to where we were it would be a real treat to descend, the wind was literately lifting us down the hill and guiding us back to the car. Though a little twist of the ankle reminded me to go slower, but we managed to get back in no time at all, what skill!

And then we had time to go to a village (of which the name escapes me now), but the TV program 'Last of the summer Wine' was filmed there.
A pint of guinness in the pub followed be a pot of tea and some hearty lunch in cafe would round of a very blowy but rewarding mornings walk.
Thanks Joel.

Many thanks to everyone else for reading my little blogs and for giving me so much encouragement too
Cheers carl.